Why is My Calla Lily Turning Yellow? Everything You Need to Know

If your calla lily’s leaves are turning yellow, don’t panic! It’s probably just experiencing a common problem that can be easily fixed. This blog post will discuss the possible causes of this issue and what you can do to remedy it. 

Keep reading for everything you need to know about why your calla lily is yellow and how to make it green again!

Potential Causes of Calla Lily Leaves Turning Yellow 

The calla lily is a beautiful flower, but if its leaves are not cared for, they can turn yellow and die. Several reasons why calla lilies’ leaves can turn yellow and die include a lack of water or fertilizer, too much sunlight, poor air circulation around the plant, or pests. 

Why is My Calla Lily Turning Yellow

To prevent this from happening, make sure your calla lily gets enough water and fertilizer, give it plenty of sunlight and good air circulation, and eliminate any pests that might be causing problems.

Now we will have a look at the potential causes and their solutions. 


When calla lilies are not blooming, it is often because their leaves have yellowed. Several things, including caterpillar nibbles, can cause this discoloration. Caterpillars are the larval form of butterflies and moths. They feed on leaves, flowers, and fruits. 

At the same time, their unsightly damage is usually not severe enough to kill the plant. You can take steps to protect your calla lilies from caterpillars, including using pesticides or physically removing them from the plants.

Snails and Slugs

Snails and slugs can cause the yellowing of the leaves of calla lilies. They feed on the leaves, causing them to be yellow and eventually die. If you have a garden with calla lilies, it is essential to protect them from these pests. 

One way to do this is to place a physical barrier between the plants and the pests, such as copper tape or stakes coated in Vaseline. You can also use organic methods, such as using beer or eggshells to keep snails and slugs away from your plants.

Lack of Nitrogen

Leaves of calla lilies can turn yellow when the plants don’t get enough nitrogen. Nitrogen is an essential nutrient for plants and is found in soil and fertilizer. Without enough nitrogen, leaves lose their green color and can turn yellow. 

Symptoms of nitrogen deficiency include stunted growth and yellowing leaves. You can quickly fix this by fertilizing your plant with a well-balanced fertilizer formulated for bulbs. You can also try using a bone meal or compost as an organic alternative. 

Watering Habits 

Not enough watering or even too much watering can cause the yellowing of the leaves of a calla lily. The leaves may turn yellow, and the stem may start to rot. Stick your finger about two inches into the soil to know if you are watering your plant enough. 

So if it feels dry, it needs more water, and if it feels soggy, you are overwatering it. Try to find a happy medium and water your plant accordingly.

Some Helpful Tips on How to Care for Calla Lilies So That They Remain Healthy and Vibrant

Calla lilies are beautiful flowers that can add elegance to any setting. They are also easy to care for, but you can do a few things to ensure they stay healthy and vibrant. Here are some tips:

1. Make sure the soil is well-drained. Calla lilies don’t like wet feet, so if your garden has poor drainage, plant them in a pot instead.

2. Feed them regularly with a high-quality fertilizer.

3. Water them regularly, but don’t overwater them – let the soil dry out between waterings.

4. Deadhead the flowers regularly to encourage new blooms.

5. Cut the leaves after the flowers have died off to help the plant store energy for next year’s blooms.

Practicing the helpful tips mentioned above can keep your callas looking healthy and beautiful.

Frequently Asked Questions

Now we will answer some of the most commonly asked questions regarding the yellowing of calla lilies.

How often should you water the calla lily plant?

Calla lilies, like most plants, need water to survive. The amount of water a calla lily needs depends on the climate, the type of soil it is planted in, and how often it is watered. In general, calla lilies should be watered every other day in the summer and every three days in the winter. If the soil is dry to the touch, it needs watering. If the leaves are wilting, the plant needs more water.

Should I remove yellow leaves from my calla lily?

If your calla lily has yellow leaves, removing them promptly is essential. Yellow leaves are a sign of disease or stress and can quickly spread to other parts of the plant. Cutting the leaves off at the base of the stem with sterile pruning shears is the best way to remove them. Doing this will also help improve air circulation around the plant, which can help prevent further disease.

What do you do when calla lilies turn yellow?

If calla lilies turn yellow, it could mean they are not getting enough light. Move them to a brighter spot and see if the leaves return to green. If the leaves stay yellow, the plant may be dying and need to be replaced. Try to avoid overwatering your calla lilies.

Can yellow leaves turn green again?

The calla lily is a beautiful flower that can be found in many gardens. It is known for its large, showy leaves and elegant blooms. While the leaves of a calla lily are usually deep green, they can sometimes turn yellow. If they are slightly yellow, there is a good chance that the leaves will often turn green again on their own.

However, if the leaves remain yellow for an extended period, it may be necessary to take steps to revive them.

Final Thoughts

Have you experienced this problem with your calla lilies? What solutions have you tried? Let us know in the comments below. We’d love to hear from you!

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