Types of Lilies Gardeners Should Grow

Types of Lilies Gardeners Should Grow

Garden lilies are a wonderful and unique addition to any garden. They have a lot of personalities, and you can use them in many ways. 

If you’re looking for the perfect type of lilies to grow, this guide is for you. Whether you’re looking for a lily variety that will produce long-lasting cut flowers or one that will bloom all year round, this guide will help you choose the right lily varieties for you.

In this article, we’ll go over some of the most popular types of garden lilies, and will talk about why to prefer them. We will also discuss how to propagate and grow them. Also, we will take a look at some interesting facts about lilies. 

Types of Lilies

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Types of Lilies

There are so many types of lilies, we are going to discuss each in detail. Let’s take a look at various types of lilies that we are interested to share information about.

Asiatic Lilies

Asiatic Lilies

The Asiatic lily (Lilium speciosum) such as the Forever Susan is a perennial plant that has been a favorite among gardeners for thousands of years. They are native to Asia, but they are popular all around the world. They bloom in the late spring and early summer and can produce large blooms up to 18 inches across. 

These are great varieties to plant if you’re looking to get the biggest and fullest blooms. They are the best way to add a lot of color to your garden. They are also quite easy to grow, so they’re great for beginners. You can grow Asiatic lilies in full sun or partial sun locations, as long as the soil is moist. They also prefer well-drained soil.

Calla Lilies

Calla Lilies

Calla lily (Zantedeschia aethiopica) is a plant from the family of Araceae. They are the most popular of all species of lilies in the world. These plants are native to tropical regions of South Africa. These flowers have an exotic appearance.

Calla lily grows to a height of 24 to 36 inches. The plants come from a rhizome and have oval-shaped leaves. These leaves are long, fleshy, and have pointed tips. The flowers of these plants are dazzling.

They will add graceful, oriental beauty to your garden. They are easy to grow flowers that can handle partial shade and will not require frequent deadheading for continued bloom.

Canna Lilies

Canna Lilies

Canna lily plants are tropical, so they need warmer temperatures.  Canna lilies are generally easy to care for and will adapt to most growing conditions. They’re not just beautiful, but also vigorous.

Canna lilies also come in a variety of heights, from 6-10 feet. They can’t tolerate temperatures below 25F. On the other side, they can’t handle extremely hot weather, so they are best grown in the South.

Nobody can resist the warm, natural beauty of canna lilies. The intense shade of red, yellow, pink, orange, or peach makes them a favorite for any gardener looking for a showy flower. 

Mixed Tall Canna Lily Value Bag - 6 bulbs/pkg - Assorted Canna Lilies Red, Yellow, Pink, Orange
  • Grows Well in Containers
  • Bloom Time: Mid-Summer Mature Height: 48-60 inches
  • Hardiness Zone: 8-10 Suitable Zones: 3-9
  • Bulb Size: 2/3 eye

Day Lilies

Day Lilies Flower

Daylilies are evergreen and perennial plants. They can survive mild winter temperatures. Lilies are able to bloom in temperate climates and in the summer. There are several varieties of lilies, and most of them can be used for cut flowers.

Some cultivars of daylilies may produce fragrant flowers. They have an unusually long flowering period. Summer is when they bloom, but some varieties bloom too late in autumn.

Daylilies are often referred to as “the workhorse of the garden”. They are not just good for your garden but can be good for your health as well. Daylilies are the easiest of all lilies, and they don’t require a lot of help. Also, they can be an excellent addition to your garden and lawn.

LA Hybrid Lilies

LA Hybrid Lilies

LA Hybris Lilies range between 4 to 4.5 feet tall and wide. The flowers can be up to 5 inches in diameter. The flowers are usually cream-colored, but they can be pink or peach, too. These lilies can be planted in any region as they don’t have any specific requirements. The soil should be well-drained and have a pH value of 6.0 to 6.5.

LA Hybris Lilies are one of the best types of lilies for your garden. These lily varieties are cold-hardy and need very little care from the gardener. They are also very pretty and will add a natural look to the garden.

Lily of the Valley

Lily of the Valley

Lily of the valley is a flowering plant in the family Asparagaceae, subfamily Liliaceae. It is a herbaceous perennial plant that grows from a bulb. Lily of the Valley, sometimes called Mai-Ya-Yu, is a plant native to China. Many people like to grow this plant because it grows in shade and stays relatively small.

It’s a popular garden lily because it produces sweet-smelling flowers and grows fairly quickly. You can plant it in the shade or partial shade, or even in a wooded area.

Martagon Lilies

Martagon Lilies

Martagon lily (Lilium martagon) is a beautiful and fragrant perennial that is often the first lily to bloom in spring. These lilies are hardy, and they grow well in most climates. They are great for naturalizing and they grow to be quite tall.

Martagon lilies are so named because of their resemblance to the Martagon variety of iris.  The flowers have six petals and black anthers.

Their flowers are large and beautiful, and they come in a variety of colors. That is why lilies are great for your garden, and they will last for a long time.

Oriental Lilies

Oriental Lilies

Oriental lilies are one of the most popular types of garden lilies today. Although they are easy to plant and will thrive in almost any climate, they should be placed where they won’t get too hot. A number of different types of Oriental lilies are available.

Some of them are known for their long flowering period and others are known for the small flowers they produce.

Oriental lilies are very popular for the simple reason that they look incredible in any type of garden and are easy to grow. This is the lily of choice for many gardeners, so we thought it would be good to talk about them. They have amazing colors, often in orange to red shades. 

When in bloom, they are very easy to spot. People often use them in their gardens as a centerpiece and a focal point

Orienpet Lilies

Orienpet  Lilies

Orienpet is a type of Asiatic lily, with white flowers. Their flowers have a distinct red splashed edging when the flower opens. The flowers of orienpet are very large in size and are from 6 inches to 10 inches in diameter.

They bloom for about a month and then die back. You can expect to get up to 8 blooms on each stem. New varieties of orienpet lilies are developed every year, with new varieties coming out in the spring.

Lilies, as houseplants, are simple to grow and add grace to your home. Lilies are long-lasting and easy to care for, which makes them a great investment. Their airy blossoms provide you with a beautiful, fragrant display that will add a touch of class to your home or garden.

Peace Lilies

Peace Lilies

Peace Lily or Spathiphyllum, one of the most common houseplants, is not a true lily. It is a tropical plant that belongs to the family Araceae. The peace lily is native to the tropical rainforest of Colombia and Panama.

It grows in warm temperatures, with a minimum temperature of 60 degrees Fahrenheit. It can suffer from cold temperatures, and can even die if exposed to temperatures less than 40 degrees Fahrenheit.

Peace lilies are one of the top favorite plants in the world because they are best for gardens as they are easy to maintain and propagate. So if you don’t have a green thumb, you can still grow these lilies. 

Trumpet Lilies

Trumpet Lilies

The trumpet lily is a perennial, bulbous flowering plant that has a flower that looks like a trumpet. It has a wide, flat, and grass-like leaf and has a large flower that is born on top of the stem. The size of Trumpet Lily flowers can be as tall as 30 inches and as wide as 30 inches.

Trumpet lily flowers are extremely showy and can add a punch of bright color to your garden. They have long, tubular-shaped blooms that are reddish-orange or orange-red. Trumpet lilies bloom best in full sun, but will tolerate some shade so, they are an excellent choice for sunny borders and rock gardens.

Turk’s Cap Lilies

Turk's Cap Lilies

This type of lily belongs to the Lilium family. Its trumpet-shaped flowers are mostly white with a brown-purple stripe running down the middle. Its leaves are oblong and dark green. The flowers usually need a minimum of six hours of sunlight to bloom.

Turk’s cap lilies are an excellent choice for the garden. They produce large flowers that look like a Turk’s cap. These flowers last for almost a week and make excellent cut flowers so that you can enjoy them indoors.

Turk’s cap lilies are generally considered to be the best lily variety to grow in the garden as they provide a good ground cover and look great planted in large groups. 

How to Plant Lilies?

Sow the seeds directly into your garden bed in the fall or in the early spring. Lily bulbs should be planted in the spring. Before planting, loosen the soil before planting your lily bulbs. 

Lillies need loamy soil and prefer a higher pH level (7-8). Once you have made a place for a lily and dug up the soil, add 50% compost to the soil and mix it up. Then, spread the soil and compost mixture evenly in the hole. 

When you are planting lilies, it is best to plant them in groups, rather than individually because they like to be in close proximity to other lilies. 

Their foliage should be planted 1 to 2 feet (0.3 to 0.6 meters) apart, and the flowering stalks should be planted at least 2 feet (0.6 meters) apart. If you have a large space and want to plant them closer than that, they can also be planted in groups of 3 or 4 bulbs.

How To Grow Lilies?

Growing lilies is actually pretty easy. If you know the basics, you’re on your way to having a fantastic lily garden. However, they do require more attention than other plants, as they are very susceptible to diseases and pests. In order to grow lilies well and make them bloom each year, there are a few things you need to know. 

Let’s get started.

  • Light Requirement:

Lilies need plenty of light in order to grow, and they will die if they get too much shade. Lily plants need at least 6-8 hours of full sun every day. They will grow even in the shade, but the blooms will be much smaller, and the leaves will be smaller, too.

  •  Water Requirements:

You should water lilies at least once a week during their growing season, which is spring to autumn. The soil should be kept moist but never soggy.

  • Fertilizing Requirements:

Lilies need generous fertilization to bloom and grow well. If you want your lilies to bloom well, you should fertilize them at least twice a year, in the early spring and mid-summer. During the rest of the year, you should feed them weekly with cottonseed meals.

  •  Winter Care:

Varieties that are winter hardy will withstand most winter temperatures with no problem. If you live in a cold area, make sure you plant them in an area that’s not exposed to the elements. 

The lilies can bear some frost and light frosts, but don’t leave them in the elements for too long. You may have to replant the lilies in the spring if the winter season was particularly harsh.

  • Protection from Pests and Diseases:

Lilies are prone to a lot of pests and diseases, and you need to be on the lookout for them. Pest problems include aphids, caterpillars, and powdery mildew. 

Diseases include powdery mildew, bacterial wilt, and Fusarium wilt. To keep your lilies healthy, you need to be aware of these issues and treat them appropriately.

Cool Facts About Lilies

  • Lilies were associated with fertility in many cultures.
  • Ancient Egyptians buried their dead with a lily flower so their spirit would have some company in the afterlife.
  • A single lily bulb can produce up to 10 flower stems.
  • Tiger’s lily is symbolic of wealth and loyalty, while the lily of the valley represents sweetness.
  • The oil extracted from these Lily plants has amazing softening and healing properties.

Final Thoughts

Lilies are beautiful, elegant, and elegant flowers that are easy to grow. They will add a great splash of color to your garden and will last for a long time. It’s important to know that there are different varieties of lilies and that each one has different needs. You can use the information above to make sure you get your lilies planted in the right way.

Summing up, growing lilies can be fun and rewarding, and it’s a good way to enjoy the beauty of nature. If you follow the tips and instructions given above, you will be able to grow lilies well and enjoy the beautiful flowers they produce each year.

We hope that this article has provided you with all the information and helped you to grow lilies. 

Casa Blanca Oriental Lilies (4 Bulbs Per Package) - Perennial Flower Bulbs
  • 4 Fresh, Healthy Flower Bulbs
  • 100% Grow Guarantee
  • Super Fragrant Flowers
  • Up To 8 Flowers Per Stem
  • Great As Cut Flowers

Life is Better When You Garden™

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